
Members of the national political advisory board arrive in Beijing for national session

Published on 2024-06-03 18:09:51 来源:Earth Echoes news portal

The 106 members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, or the national political advisory body, from Shanghai arrived in Beijing on Sunday to attend the upcoming annual national session, which opened on Monday.

The national political advisors said that they are preparing to make suggestions in the areas, including economic development, medical security, education development, scientific and technological innovation, and elderly care service at the session.

National political advisor Wang Yu, who is also Party secretary and president of Spring Airlines, said that, on behalf of private enterprises and entrepreneurs, he will make a suggestion to call for a better business environment benefiting the development of private economy.

"Private enterprises don't need special treatment. We just hope to have an environment of better fairness. We hope that the equal treatment of all market entities can be implemented through the law," he said.

National political advisor Wang Xiaofan, who is also president of the Shanghai Institute of Technology, said that his suggestion at this year's session will cover how artificial intelligence can empower the development of higher education.

Ding Zuohong, another national political advisor and chairman of Yuexing Group, said that he will suggest unveiling the national industrial standard for prefabricated food and raising the threshold for businesses to enter the industry.

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